Week 8: March 2, 2023


Methods: ethnography or observational
Methods: interviews or focus groups

Read for Class:

Skim all of these.

  • read the entry on observational research in the The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods (available through the library database)
  • LaFrance, M. (2019). Institutional ethnography : a theory of practice for writing studies researchers. Utah State University Press. Skim intro.
  • read the entry on focus groups in the The SAGE Encyclopedia of COMMUNICATION Research Methods (available through the library database)
  • read the entries on interviewing and interview guide  in the The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods (available through the library database)
Do for class:
In class:
  • discussion of interviews and focus groups
  • discussion of observational methods
  • visual exercise with your lit review materials; reminder lit review assignment due next week