Week 7: February 23, 2023


Methods: textual/rhetorical and surveys

Read for Class:

  • Broad, B. (2013). Strategies and passions in empirical qualitative research. In Nickoson, L., & Sheridan, M. P. (Eds.). Writing Studies research in practice (pp.197-209). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.(scan)
  • Erica Hall’s Stance on Surveys  (this is a medium article so its quick. There is also an embedded link at the top where you need to read it too.)
  • Rife, Martine Courant. (2013). Invention, copyright, and digital writing. Carbondale, Il: Southern Illinois University Press. (this is a number of parts of the book. Read the methodology and the part about surveys as rhetorical.)
  • read the entry on textual research in the The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods (available through the library database)
  • read the entry on rhetorical method in The Sage Encyclopedia of COMMUNICATION Research (available through the library database)
Do for class:
In class: 
  • discussions of surveys in scholarship
    • discussion of when and how to use surveys effectively
  • discussion of textual and rhetorical analysis as method
  • final questions on illustrate assignment: lit review due 3-9