

Literature Reviews

Learning outcome

  • Illustrate your understanding of literature reviews through writing two versions with one set of literature (application learning category)

Your task

Often times as scholars and teachers, you land on a big area of scholarship that you continue to refer back to during your career. (This even happens as a practitioner in the workplace; I still know the current industry research in and around user experience!). What that means is that you constantly build on the research you have already read so that you don’t always have to go back to the start on every project.

Your first task is to consider the question(s) you generated and that we worked with in class. These will help you narrow down the body of literature that you will be seeking for your literature review, while also helping you refine your question.

So this assignment is aimed to help you understand the different ways to write a literature while also simultaneously helping you become well read and knowledgeable about the research in a particular area that will form the foundation for later and for ongoing work. The last several weeks you’ve been gathering articles or book chapters into a mini-corpus. You should have a least 7 articles or book chapters but having closer to 15 or 20 would be better.

Your goal here is to use the same body of research and write two different kinds of literature reviews. (Refer back to our class discussion on different ways to approach the literature review.)

There are no specific lengths on how long the literature review should be nor are there quantitative expectations of how many citations should be included. It honestly needs to do the work for the project(s) you have in mind. (Yes, I understand how difficult it is because some of your questions/projects are ill-formed or in flux. But think back to the diagram. It’s iterative so you writing the literature review is a draft of something.)

Part of the work of the literature review is to help you fine tune and/or focus your research question(s). That’s one of the reasons for working with the same literature in different ways.

Please use two separate citation styles: one for one version and a different one for the second version. Because yes, citation styles are different and they do different things as well.

You will create a single file that contains both literature reviews.

Due Date

Please name your file starting with your last name (meloncon_illustrate) and email it to me.

March 9, 2023