Week 2: January 19, 2023



Study design: paradigms
Practice: file storage & organization

Skim (really I mean skim) for class:
Our topic this week about research paradigms is meant to have us understand why we do research and in where ur methodologies in disciplines/fields come from (sort of). So I mentioned I didn’t want us to read these, but I’ve changed my mind. Skim them through because they each offer some ideas that will feed into our discussion of paradigms. (And, oh, paradigm here is meant as an example, that is, what is common ways to approach research.)

  • Johanek, C. (2000). Composing research: A contextualist paradigm for rhetoric and composition. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press. Chapter 2 (*.pdf)
  • Powell, K., & Takayoshi, P. (Eds.). (2012). Practicing research in writing studies: Reflexive and ethically responsible research. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. Chapter 1 9 (*.pdf)
  • research methods from a communication perspective (*.pdf)
  • Smith, L. T. (2012). Decolonizing methodologies: Research and indigenous peoples (Second ed.). Zed Books. Intro (*.pdf)
  • Meloncon, L., & St.Amant, K. (2019). Empirical research in technical and professional communication:  A five-year examination of research methods and a call for research sustainability. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 49(2), 128-155.

Do for class:

do some google or quick library research on research paradigms (remember there are no wrong answers here…we are trying to wallow in lots of big ideas to start to clarify what research will mean for you)

In class:

  • discussion of paradigms and types of research
    • be prepared to share your visual summary, especially in how it may complement or contradict my interpretation of this exercise
  • brief info and then Q&A on organization and files for research
  • reminder: explain assignment is due next week