The Professional Writing programs at the University of Cincinnati span both undergraduate and graduate education. They offer students the unique opportunity to learn the nuances of the English language while simultaneously becoming accomplished in industry standard technology like the Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Dreamweaver), Captivate, and HTML & CSS.

Professional writers don’t just write. They design. They create. They promote. They edit, analyze, and construct ideas. PW students spend their time in the program learning to do exactly these things. By working with local businesses as clients, our students not only learn the technical skills necessary to create exemplary, useful projects, they also learn the strategic and professional skills they’ll need to do so.

We could go on and on about our students’ success, but that success is more powerful if you look at it for yourself. Check out the PW Portfolio of work our students—both undergraduate and graduate—have created in their courses by clicking the “Portfolio” tab at the top of the page.