

Innovative Feedback Strategies

Compiled by Lisa Melonçon 3-5-19 for TPC faculty office hours. Please let me know if you run across a great resource that should be added here.

Following are some resources about shifting away from traditional models of feedback that rely on intensive, individualized comments that the students may or may not use.

I have written about this before

And there are others in higher education that talk about these same concepts:

We also need to consider the implicit bias in our assessment and feedback practices. The recent book by Asao Inoue, Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing Writing for a Socially Just Future, has a fabulous appendix on contract grading that could be adapted to the TPC classroom: Appendix A: English 160W’s Grading Contract

Different feedback strategies from TPC

Two classics on commenting that everyone should read if they have not:

Voluminous literature exists on peer review. Go forth and investigate ways to make it more effective for you and your own classroom. TPC desperately needs updated work on how to do peer review in TPC courses and the effectiveness of it. (That’s a great dissertation project just waiting to be written.)