January 23
Topic: Writing and Work 1
Read for Class:
- Burstein_Elliot_Molloy_Genre_2016. (skim the tables about the differences in work and school)
- Cunningham, D., & Stewart, J. (2011). Perceptions and practices: A survey of professional engineers and architects. Proceedings of IPCC. Pay close attention to the charts about what engineers write. Skim the rest.
- Winsor, D. (2006). Using writing to structure agency: An examination of engineers’ practice. Technical Communication Quarterly, 15(4), 411-430. (skim this one)
- Debs, M. B. (1993). Corporate authority: Sponsoring rhetorical practice. In R. Spilka (Ed.), Writing in the workplace: New research perspectives (pp. 158-170). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. (read this one particularly the section about corporate authority)
Do for class:
Hit the library databases. Find a research based article published in 2016 or 2017 that looks at writing and the world of work and be prepared to share what you found and how it relates to what we’ve been reading. Confine your search to the following journals:
- IEEE, Transactions of Professional Communication (IEEE) (careful on this one that you don’t use the proceedings)
- Journal of Business and Technical Communication (JBTC)
- Journal of Technical Writing and Communication (JTWC)
- Technical Communication (TC)
- Technical Communication Quarterly (TCQ)
N.B. Do a little chatting among yourselves so that we have a diversity of articles.
In class:
- discussion of student findings from researching writing and work
- discussion of readings and connection to the frameworks
- good writing discussionĀ (based on student responses)
- collaboration (How to Build a Successful TeamĀ *.pdf file)
- good and bad experiences discussion
- role playing
- discussion of student findings from researching writing and work