Textbook Review

Description of assignment

Here at USF, we have our own textbook, which we will be updating this term. So in a process to help us do that, one of your first tasks is to review a current textbook that many folks use to teach the service course.

Your job is to look through the textbook paying particular attention to

  • how the author frames their general approach
  • topics included
  • specific genres or types of writing that the text covers
  • visual communication and how it’s incorporated (separate chapter(s) or as integrated)
  • ethics

Also pick a chapter that interests you for whatever reason and closely examine the exercises or assignments and answer the following questions

  • would you feel comfortable as a teacher incorporating the exercises or assignments in your own classroom? why or why not?
  • can you determine your own exercise or assignment related to this chapter? (this requires no response now, but think about it as this exercise buildings to your syllabus assignment)

Overall, did you like the book? would you use it? if so, what would be your primary rationale for using it?


Write a short report (part informational and part recommendation) that address the issues discussed here.  Keep in mind that your classmates and I are the primary audience.

Most technical and business writing is single spaced and incorporates visual cues such as headings, bullets, and ample white space. (I so hope your book discussed these things 🙂

Due Date

January 30, 2018

You will attach your report and send it to me electronically via email.